Monday 21 March 2011

How to get traffic to your new web pages

Creating an internet page is something most people can do, but to get people to visit your page can be a major task. Here I go through the best and cheapest way to drive traffic to your pages. All it costs is time and patient.
The first a novice can do is to switch links with other webmasters You can by trading links with other webmasters get targeted traffic to your page. It is also terribly easy! Find web pages that relate to your website, but not directly competing. Send an email to webmaster and provide him to switch links. This will increase traffic on both your and your link partners page. It's free, and requires only a little work from you and your link partner.
Then you should sign up at various forums that are related to what your page is about. Add the link to your page in the signature that come at bottom of each post. Ask questions and made comments to other posts. For each post you write, your link will be added. But here you must be very careful not to write too much and to meaningless. It may be easy for the Forum's moderator to believe you are only looking for publicity, and exclude up for spaming. Write serious and meaningful.
Another effective way to promote your website is to write articles that you send to online magazines. Article writing is also a good way to gain some sort of credibility in the internet marketing world. Writing articles for content websites is quite a bit different than writing for magazines. Don't forget that the reason every one is banging on about article writing, is that there is no better way to obtain a one way link and generate traffic to your website. If the content is good the articles will be published and readers who like your article will visit your website. You can also write simple research and academic material that you let people publish freely on their websites. In the bottom of the article write a little about yourself and provide a link to your website. The benefit of doing this is that it establishes you as an expert in your field. Chances will be greater for the visitors, for example, signs up for your newsletter. If you are having trouble getting started, have a look at published articles on the same subject as you intend to write about. As with any subject these days, there is plenty of good advice on article writing flying around the net, you just have to go and look for it. There are loads of article submission sites on the internet. By submitting your articles to these sites, you are almost guaranteed to gain some traffic for your website.
Take advantage of the signature of your Epost One of the fastest and easiest ways to get traffic to your website is to add the website address to your email signature. This way, you promote your page each time you send an e-mail. Best of all, you do not have to make some effort for it.
A Search Engine is a computer program that searches a resource to return a response for specific inquiries. An attempt to bring organization to chaos. Adding your link to the most basic search engines is a "must". I think especially on Google and Yahoo.
Human edited directory like is one of the best ways of getting incoming links that are high value, have good inherent worth and will amp UP your exposure in the free search engine traffic game. Human edited directories have a greater perceived value in that they are not "spammy" by definition ( nor as they are valued by the SERPS) and not only will you get traffic from the directories themselves, but also, and potentially more importantly, your credibility will increase exponentially with each high value link you can secure. It's important to note that you are NOT going for reciprocal links here, or even paid links. You want good incoming link from respected authority sites and directories that are well established in the online spaces where you publish.
Finally, the most important thing is to not give up. It,s always slow in the beginning. Some search engines and article sits need up to 8 weeks to add your page and your article. On you can add your link for free. Add the link today, and it is guaranteed discoverd by all the major search engines.

SEO Questions And Answers

What is SEO?
Some of you might be rolling your eyes at this one, but is actually still an enormous number of organizations that know little or nothing about SEO and the come to us to find out what it is and how it can help them.  SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it is used to describe the ways that website owners manipulate their website information so that it achieves better rankings in search engine results. The higher your website ranks in search engine results, the more traffic your website will get and continually using SEO techniques can help your website to be successful.

Is SEO worth my time?
That depends entirely on who’s doing your SEO for you. SEO is a consistently changing industry and because of that it’s good to find specialists with a strong background in SEO who are up to date on the most recent best practices, but it will also depend on the keywords you’re targeting and your industry.  When your SEO is done correctly by a knowledgeable expert it can be highly effective in increasing website traffic but SEO done incorrectly will mostly be just a waste of time and resources. Our Advice? Make sure you choose your SEO consultant with care.

Why is my website ranking poorly?
SEO is a constant process because the rules for it are constantly changing. If you haven’t kept up with current best practices or aren’t using SEO techniques properly, you may not be ranking as well as you could be. Here are some of the main reasons why websites rank poorly:

  • Missing or incorrectly used Title Tags
  • Keyword stuffing (overusing your keywords excessively)
  • No Alt Tags on your images 
  • Poorly written content that is missing naturally occurring keywords
  • Very few pages or content that isn’t regularly updated
  • Not enough relevant backlinks
What makes a link relevant?
Links are one of the most important aspects of SEO because they act like a “vote” for your website. Links from credible websites (ones that search engines deem reliable and authoritative) that have relevant anchor text (the text in the hyperlink confirms what your page is about) will help you to rank better because it proves to search engine crawlers what your website or page is actually about. There are many scams that claim to help you get relevant links, but please, for us, don’t get sucked in. These link “farms” or “exchanges” can lead to heavy penalties in search engines which will actually erode your rankings.

What is duplicate content and how can I avoid it?
You have duplicate content when you have multiple pages on your website that contain a significant amount of similar content to other pages and search engines will penalize for this just like for link farming. This is actually very simple to avoid: just write new content for each page! If your pages are relevant to specific topics and you’re writing according to what your page is about, it shouldn’t be too difficult to avoid this penalty.

Why is content important for SEO?
Your website’s content (blog posts, webpage copy, resources etc) is one of the best tools that you have to help improve your search engine rankings because it allows you to emphasize your keywords, build links and supplement your demand generation initiatives, but remember: you can’t just have any old content. Your content needs to be valuable to your audience for it to help you build links and bring traffic to your website.

What is an XML sitemap?

An XML sitemap is a file that lists all the URLs on your website. This type of sitemap is used to inform search engines about the URLs on your website that are available for crawling so that they get included in the search engine’s database.

How many keywords/Keyword phrases should I target?
That is going to depend on your website and your audience because your keyword choices should be derived from the terms that your users are utilizing to find your website. It will also depend on the size of your website and what products or services your company or organization provides to your audience. Having said that, the best practice is usually considered to be 2-5 keywords per page.

How can I figure out which keywords to target?
Choosing your keywords carefully is on the most important steps when determining your SEO strategy and there are several different tactics for narrowing down the best ones. Brainstorming is a good way to get started, but after that there are plenty of free and paid online tools to help you generate keywords and determine which ones you should choose. You’re analytics are a good place to start as well (if you have them set up). Understanding what people are already using to find your website is a good way to narrow down your keyword strategy. Make sure when you choose your keywords you choose based on relevance and achievability. Just because a keyword is relevant for your website doesn’t mean you will necessarily rank for it. The more popular the keyword is, the less likely you will rank highly for it.

What is black hat SEO?
Pretty much everything we’ve already mentioned not to do is considered black hat SEO. Basically using black hat SEO techniques means that you’re doing things that break search engine rules to try and get higher rankings and are generally considered to be cheating and unethical (keyword stuffing is a good example).

Top SEO Tips

When you have spent hours, weeks and perhaps months to develop your website, it is very frustrating that the page does not appear in search engines like Google. Lets go through Search Engine Optimization and how it can help you get a good position in Google and other search engines.
SEO?SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and is a name for all the activities you are doing to get visibility in search engines like Google and Yahoo. SEO can be anything from small changes to the Web site to complete the rebuilding of websites and advanced link strategies. The goal is the same, rank better in Google or any other search engine. This techniques is something that you should be doing when you create the website.
SEO TipsWhen Google and other search engines are looking to index your web pages, they prefer that the website has been built up semantic. Creating semantic HTML is about using W3C predefined tags for items such as headings, paragraphs, lists and structured text. Doing so will Google and other search engines better understand what's in your content.
Robots Exclusion Standard, or "robots.txt" is a term you often hear in the SEO context. Robots.txt is a file that is located on the root of the site. It is not used by visitors but website owners who want to tell search engines how to index a page. Or rather what not to index. website owners can use a Robots Exclusion Standard file to specify how the content will be indexed by robots like Google and Yahoo. With a robots.txt file, you can limit what the search engine indexes, and make the indexing of your site more effective. Do not let the search engine index your RSS feed, your blog or the management section of your CMS - this will help not on the visibility of your website. Even if you do not want to limit your search engine, it is recommended to have a robots.txt file on your website. This is because the engine will always look for this file, if it not find the file it will be sent to your 404-page (Page not found). This will not affect your ranking, but can save you some 404 error messages in your stats.
Previous the search engines use meta tags to gather information on a website. And it was essentially the meta tags "description" and "keywords" that was used. Meta Keyword tag is not as important as the Meta Description tag, as they don't affect if the website will be found when searching for that keyword or not. Google for example do not emphasis on the "Keyword". A few search engines do, however, growing emphasis on those keywords so you can still add them, but they will not affect your position in the major search engines. Meta Tags were quickly abused and search engines have, therefore, in recent years not emphasized these meta tags to index. It is still important that the meta tags actually provided, and more than often it is actually your own meta-description that end up as the description on the Google website.
Google, Yahoo and other search engines search through your pages from several times a day to a couple of times a week. It would be practical to tell the search engines of all the pages your site consists of and when they were last updated. With a so-called sitemap or area map, you can do just that. A Site map provides an easy way for webmasters to inform search engines about pages on their sites that are available for review. In its simplest form, a Sitemap is an XML file that lists URLs for a site along with metadata about each URL (when it was last updated, how often it usually changes, and how important it is in relation to other URLs on the site) so that search engines can go through the site in a more intelligent manner. A site map is a complete "map" of your website that Google, Yahoo and other search engines can use to index your site. With an area map you'll probably get a faster and more accurate indexing than without. Most modern publishing tools has built support or modules that provide support for site maps. Do you have a smaller site, you can also create such a map by hand, following the protocol to the site maps. The easiest is still to let your CMS do the job of developing the site maps.
Finally, the content of the pages will always be the most important. With good and relevant content, the "customers" always come back, and maybe also linked to your page from your other pages.